Practice Guidelines
Nipple Pain
MDWF 1030: Human Lactation
MDWF 1030: Human Lactation
Plugged Ducts
MDWF 1030: Human Lactation
Nausea and Vomiting
ENGL 1050: Technical Writing for Midwives
Low Milk Supply
MDWF 2035: Complications of Human Lactation
Mastitis and Breast Abscesses
MDWF 2035: Complications of Human Lactation
MDWF 2035: Complications of Human Lactation
Iron Deficiency Anemia
MDWF 2010: Prenatal Care I: Foundations of Prenatal Care
Rh(D) Negative
MDWF 2010: Prenatal Care I: Foundations of Prenatal Care
Female Genital Mutilation/Circumcision
MDWF 2020: Prenatal Care II: Prenatal Care for a Healthy Pregnancy
Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid
MDWF 2030: Labor, Birth and Immediate Postpartum
Post & Late Term Pregnancy
MDWF 2020: Prenatal Care II: Prenatal Care for a Healthy Pregnancy
MDWF 2020: Prenatal Care II: Prenatal Care for a Healthy Pregnancy
MDWF 2020: Prenatal Care II: Prenatal Care for a Healthy Pregnancy

"Your body can withstand almost anything. It's your mind you have to convince."
— Ina May Gaskin